I had to get front and back pictures of her head so you could see her hair!!

Grandpa and I went down this past weekend and he held Colby for awhile. I don't know if I should tell you this or not, but they call her "Frog" because, well, you can probably tell why when you look at the pictures!! That's her knee up by her elbow!!!

Ella had a birthday last Thursday and she had a family party Friday evening. This was her birthday cake!!!! What little girl wouldn't want a cake like this?!?! One of Karen's friends did this, to Karen's surprise (she had just ordered a sheet cake)!!!!
Ella got several dress-up outfits and this was the Mermaid one.

She also got a High School Musical dress (a red-sequined, spaghetti-strapped formal) and this black wig came with it!!!