Sunday, January 25, 2009

COLBY, ELLA AND AMELIA by Grandma Cooper

It takes me quite awhile to get pictures and text together to post on the blogs (Mark would say that I struggle), but I did want to share these pictures with you!! And I worked really hard at getting each girl's pictures together!! These first few of Colby are the day she was born and maybe the next day.

I had to get front and back pictures of her head so you could see her hair!!

Grandpa and I went down this past weekend and he held Colby for awhile. I don't know if I should tell you this or not, but they call her "Frog" because, well, you can probably tell why when you look at the pictures!! That's her knee up by her elbow!!!

Ella had a birthday last Thursday and she had a family party Friday evening. This was her birthday cake!!!! What little girl wouldn't want a cake like this?!?! One of Karen's friends did this, to Karen's surprise (she had just ordered a sheet cake)!!!!

Ella got several dress-up outfits and this was the Mermaid one.

She also got a High School Musical dress (a red-sequined, spaghetti-strapped formal) and this black wig came with it!!!

While Kori and Amelia were in town, I got to watch Amelia while her mom and Anna ran to the store. I put her in the recliner and turned PBS on and she was into the program!! She does do a lot of talking while she's watching TV, though!!!

Sooo cute!!!


Nick and Kelly McCormick said...

Mom, you got really good pictures of Colby's white-blond hair, but I look HORRIBLE in a few of those pictures! Yikes!

Today Colby had a green sleeper on and we called her Frog all day long! What can I say...she just likes to be all cuddled up!

Love the pictures of Ella's birthday gifts...the mermaid dress and the wig rock! And, I also love the picture of Amelia looking so happy!

Anderson said...

Thank goodness somebody thinks of those who don't live in Manito and would like to see pictures of the James girls!
Great pictures, Mom! Are we sure that Karen didn't know about the cake for Ella! I recall her making fun of me because I just made Jacob's cake instead of getting him a fancy decorated one!
Amelia is so darn cute and I'm going nuts not being able to hold Colby! I'm totally hogging them both while I'm down for the baptism!!

Brittany said...

I have to say that Emma looks great as a brunette! That wig is hysterical. And the pictures of Colby and Amelia are way cute too!

Grandma Cooper said...

What can I say? The one picture that you probably don't think you look so well in, the day Colby was born --- well, for how many years have I told you to wear mascara???? (I say this for the benefit of your friends who you've told of my mascara obsession!!) I'm just teasing you!! You told me how you thought you would have time to put some on before Colby was born but it just didn't work out!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I really thought I'd have a little bit more time that day then I ended up getting! Little Colby had different plans for me, I guess!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures Mom! I have to agree with Kim, I really don't think that was a "surprise" know how those youngest are...they're spoiled..although I do not remember getting a cake like that on any of my birthdays..maybe my 25th...which is next year by the way!!! Anyhoo...cute pictures of all the girls! Can't wait to see every single one of them!!!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I did not believe my eyes when I saw updated pictures!!! FINALLY A GREAT CAKE!!!!!!! I have been on her since she had kids about the b-day cakes!!