Great-Aunt Gail (GAG) holding Amelia (Christy's mom/Devin's mother-in-law, Debbie, is in the background holding a sleeping Sophia.) Amelia was not in a particularly good mood because of teething, but we did feel two bottom teeth that had come through!!
Colby asleep on Grandpa Cooper's lap before they left for home.
This was at Rachel's bridal shower in Mahomet (at the "moosedom" at Fran's -- her house is full of "mooses" and one room is the "blue bird room")!!!!! (Okay, Karen told me there is no such word as "mooses" but I think there should be!) Great-Aunt Stacy (GAS) holding Colby and Grandma Gail (aka GAG) holding Henry.
The many faces (mostly smiling) of Colby!!!
Mark and I went to Nashville right before Easter and went on a bus tour of the country music singers' homes. This is Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's home.

Ronnie Dunn's home

Alan Jackson's home

The lane to Amy Grant's former home.
A fuzzy picture of Amy Grant's former home. I'm sure this is where she and Gary Chapman raised their Red Poll cattle!!!

Trace Adkins' truck

Trace Adkins' home