Defying the Rankin tradition of "not being involved", Chris and I decided that it would be a good idea to let the girls try t-ball this summer. We both felt that if they never had a chance to try it, and they wanted to do it in school, they would never get a chance to play because they had no experience! I think, though, that we may have gotten in over our heads! The girls are past the age for t-ball and are in the coach-pitch league. Our poor team! Good thing we have patient coaches (Anne & Craig Woodley and Jason & Erica Hunter) because they are really having to teach our girls how to play baseball. Emma has already taken a hit for the team. Last night, she stopped the ball with her glove and the ball bounced off her glove and hit her in the eye. Very dramatic for my little drama queen! With a little force from her mother, she went back out to the field to play again! The funniest thing about the baseball games is watching the girls and the rest of the team for that matter, run with their batting helmets on. You have to see it to appreciate it! If you have seen Disney's recent animation film of "Chicken Little", that's our Anna trying to run with her helmet. I don't think she can even see where she is going. We have now started calling her Chicken Little! More pictures to come of the games, here are some of practicing at home.
I think you should do what our parents did: not let us participate until junior high....and at that point it's too late! They're already fast-pitching!!
We're all probably still scared deep-down from that!!!
Give me a break!!!! Who went to volleyball camp? After spending money on that, we played a game at home and almost got our heads knocked off by the ball from someone who "learned" how to serve at camp!!! We said something about wasting our money and we were told that it wasn't a waste, t-shirts were given to everyone!!! And we tried tumbling, basketball, swimming and track!!! (Maybe not on everyone of you, but on some of you!!) It didn't take us long to figure out that God had not given this family any athletic talent!!!
Karen, you have to make it so anonymous comments can be made. Otherwise, everyone has to have a google account.
I'll adjust the comments for you, Karen, so that everybody can comment with or without an account!
I must say that I did have the nickname "THE ROCK" in basketball! I was a superstar until eighth grade when everybody else passed me up in the growth department...I don't know what the rest of you are talking about "no athletic ability". I don't know who got to go to tumbling and swimming and volleyball camp (the first two I'm sure)! I still can't tumble or swim and am pretty sad at volleyball!
I applaud this new James adventure! How entertaining for us! I'm sure your girls will do great!
Sounds like the Bickerton family is in town, if any of you are old enough to remember. As my grandma used to say, "If you can't say anything nice----"Well, that's what happens in families with more than two kids, the younger ones often don't get all the advantages the first ones received!! Kelly, I agree: fast-pitch is scary, even at my age!Maybe early learning IS
the answer, did nobody tell Chris
and Karen the ages for t-ball or
did they ask early on? Grandma B.
Ruthie, I think I remember tap dancing in a couple of your girls' earlier years too don't I??? Karen I'm anxious to see the girls play and if all goes well at work today I will be there tonight.
Can't wait,
Aunt Gail
PS I think they both look pretty darn cute with that snazzy helmut!!
You know, I'm sure tapping was probably me and Karen's thing! If only we could have continued, we'd probably be world-famous tappers today. It's probably what has delayed the RiverDancer's from asking Karen to join their group. If only we could still be tapping....
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