Gibby running in the show ring!
Market Basket - 3rd
We spent the last week at the Mason County Fair in Havana. Emma took 2 steers, 1 barrow, vegetables, and flowers. The girls had a great time and met more people again this year. Chris and I were exhausted at the end of each day but got up and went at it again the next day. All in all, the girls had a great week. Emma did very well and gained more confidence in the show ring with her steers. She really seems to enjoy it and is becoming quite the showman. We still have some improvement in the swine dept. as her barrow, Gibby, ran around the ring the whole time and then laid down in the corner and wouldn't get up when his class was over. Ella made herself known to everybody. She was rarely at our spot in the barn, she was always somewhere else! She played with her princess figurines and made a ton of friends (mostly high school girls). Anna watched the pig scramble with intense fascination. She was studying up the techniques for catching a pig next year. She is determined to catch a pig next year! The girls and Chris are already talking about what they are going to do next year. As tiring as it is, I love it that they are excited about it and want to do it!