Sorry for my hand!
Tina refused to stand after we put her upright - such a drama queen!
Notice Emma's toes - we had her birthday pedicure on Tues.
We are on the countdown to the county fair, so we have been busy, busy, busy with fair preparations! We walk cows every night, tied to the hayrack, with me driving the tractor, Chris and Emma "leading" cows, and Anna and Ella riding on the hayrack. I'm sure we look ridiculous doing all of this up and down the lane, but you've gotta do what ya gotta do! Thank you Uncle Scootie for the great idea! We also had to take Darla and Tina to get a pedicure. It looks painful for them, but it really isn't that bad. Beauty is Pain, girls! Emma also had to make a bracelet for the fair for the Arts and Crafts. It turned out nice!
The girls caught a Monarch caterpillar and it is starting to cocoon ( I took that picture early this morning). We did this last year and hatched two Monarch butterflies and it was AWESOME! We're hoping this one will do the same! Before I posted I went upstairs to get something and noticed that the caterpillar was in its chrysallist (sp?). So I quickly took another pic of that and posted it as well. I hope we get to see it tranform into the butterfly because it really is an amazing sight.
Please notice the pictures of my daredevil husband painting the hayloft doors of the barn. I was sure that I was going to come back from town and find him laying in the driveway from falling!
Thanks for checking in!
The James Gang
The James Gang has been a busy group lately!! And it looks like you caught that caterpillar just at the right time - that is going to be awesome! Thanks for all the updates!
Emma you look great leading that heifer. I think you are going to do fine on friday. See you there. Love grandpa and grandma Rankin
Karen want you to know that the hayrack you are using was built by your greatgrandpa Rankin Glad to see it is still serving the Rankin family Dad
Ok, I about had a heart attach when I say Chris on the ladder! Yikes! Emma, your toes look beautiful and looks like you are excited about the fair. I hope the caterpillar survives and think it is so neat that you found it!
I have never seen one!
See ya Thursday!
Kori and Amelia
Emma, I can't wait to see you next week at the fair!! it will be so much fun!
Chris, two words for you: Kent Kurtz. Have karen explain.
Great pictures, Karen!! But are you sure you're in Illinois -- the grass looks like the green, green grass of Wisconsin or Minnesota!! What a summer it's been, weatherwise! Karen, I think your dad has done some of the same crazy things that your husband is doing - you better watch him!
Emma, can't wait for Friday to see you with Tina and Darla; I also want to check out their pedicures, and yours! I hope they didn't pick out light blue (?) polish -- might look a little strange! (LOL- Karen!!)
Oh the good ole days of walking heifers up and down the lane!! I am so proud of Emma for keeping up with this..she's doing such a good job!! And nice blue toenails Emma..hope you enjoyed your pedicure as much as Tina and Darla..haha!!
Love you and good luck at the fair!!
CHRISTOPHER JAMES!!!! After reading the comments I had to go back and look at the picture of Chris painting again..I didn't realize he was on a ladder!! Not smart big bruddah..not your smartest move!!! :)
good thing Chris is pretty!
yeah!! love the pictures! have fun at the fair!! cant wait to hear how it goes and see all the pictures!
I hate to be critical, but I noticed that you weren't sure of the spelling of chrysalis. I had to laugh at the lane pictures and hearing the explanations of the pics. (Now you've got me using the dictionary as I'm blogging. I'd hate to be criticized on my spelling.) Good luck and have fun tomorrow at the calf show.
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