It doesn't take much of a field trip to thrill my 3 girls. We went to New Salem today and all three of them were impressed. I have always been interested in Lincoln and his life. He is my favorite president and I visit the Lincoln Museum every year with my 5th graders and have visited New Salem, as well, for school trips in the past. We took the girls a couple of years ago to the Lincoln Museum for Father's Day with Grandpa Rankin and Aunt Kelly and Uncle Nick and they loved going there so I knew they would love New Salem as well! They are huge Little House on the Prarie fans and we have read the first two books in the series and have been stuck on Farmer Boy for the summer (it's the longest one). We have also started watching the series Christy on dvd and they really enjoy that as well. Anything to do with the pioneers, they are right there with questions and interest. Ella hasn't quite grown into the interest yet, I'm hoping Mrs. Wildenradt at Pooh's Corner will help out with that this year when Ella starts preschool. Ella's famous words today were, "I'm boring!" translation: I'm bored! She doesn't know to put the 'ed' at the end. Her favorite thing about the day was petting the dogs people were walking in the village.
Chris also found another Monarch caterpillar. It hasn't done anything yet, but we'll take pictures when it starts to. It is much bigger than Junior.
I'm warning everyone that I probably will not have time to post this week because of the fair. Please behave yourselves and NO BLOG HACKING this week (at least not on my blog)!!!!!
Thanks for checking in!
The James Gang